TWPC: 3.64 THB -0.04(-1.09%)
Investor Relations

TWPC Sent to Cloud Nine, Having Been Selected Fourth Year in a Row as THSI Stock — A Testament to the Company's Excellent Corporate Governance

Bangkok (October 10, 2022) — Thai Wah Public Company Limited, or TWPC, Southeast Asia’s leading agri-food platform and largest tapioca starch producer, has been selected by the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) for the fourth consecutive running as a “THSI stock” in the agri-food industry, inducted into its Thailand Sustainability Investment, the country’s leading investment option. This serves as a tried-and-true testament to the operational potential of the company that operates its business sustainably, with strict adherence to the Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance, or ESG, principles, by placing a high value on all stakeholders across all sectors. On this note, Chief Executive Officer Mr. Ho Ren Hua doubles down on the company's commitment and readiness to become a representative of entrepreneurs in Asia that brings agri-food products to global markets, deeply convinced that this will contribute to the company’s significantly growing turnover and thereby robust and sustainable growth.

TWPC has been selected as one of 170 listed companies that have met the requirements set forth by the Stock Exchange of Thailand four years in a row, and thereby inducted into its 2022 Thailand Sustainability Investment. As much as on the company's dedication to sustainable business operation as well as to business development for sustainable growth that enables it to successfully address environmental and social change factors, this sheds light on the fact that the company attaches great importance to the participation of all stakeholders across all sectors on a regular basis — from its employees to surrounding communities and, by extension, society at large — throughout all of its stages of corporate operations.

Mr. Ho Ren Hua, Chief Executive Officer of TWPC, commented on the company's induction as a THSI stock for the year 2022, stating, "On behalf of Thai Wah, Southeast Asia’s leading agri-food platform and largest tapioca starch producer, we feel honored that we have yet again been selected as one of the THSI stocks for the fourth consecutive year. In addition to operating our business with a firm focus on our economic performance, we have always been adamant about strictly adhering to the Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance, or ESG, principles, paying particular attention to the involvement of the company's stakeholders. All this is done in an effort to, in the long run, turn our company into one that is sustainable, consistently generating returns and encouraging all related companies to likewise operate with an awareness of the ESG principles and responsibility towards all stakeholders, in order for their businesses to grow, strongly and sustainably.”

With the confident expectation that our business will continue to grow in the last quarter of this year, TWPC will keep revving up its role as a representative of entrepreneurs in Asia that never ceases to introduce new agri-food products to markets throughout the world. Not only has the company continuously been making investments in high-growth technology and innovation sectors, be it in agri-food, biotechnology, or digital supply chain, but it has also consistently been launching new products to the markets in the firm belief that doing so will culminate in the company’s robust and sustainable growth.