TWPC: 3.64 THB -0.04(-1.09%)
Investor Relations

Thai Wah Care & Community Day 2023

For over 75 years, Thai Wah has always remained committed to "Creating Innovation and Sustainability from Farm to Shelf". We understand that creating a sustainable future isn't a simple task and would require all the help we can find. That's why we've decided to make every first day of July "Thai Wah Care & Community Day", to bring Thai Wah closer to its surrounding communities.

Throughout the month of July, Thai Wah employees are engaged in all sorts of activities with people who live in the communities surrounding Thai Wah factories. Aside from gathering donations for students and elders in need, we've also assisted with the improvement of community centers and hosted charity events to raise money for educational supplies for schools in need. The best part is being able to use Thai Wah ingredients for a cooking contest!

We believe that sustainability starts with our own actions and we support everyone in our Thai Wah family to be socially responsible. When everyone in the community plays their part is when we'll start seeing a sustainable future on the horizon.